Semen Sales
Semen Sales
For as far back as he can remember John has had a real passion for Limousin Cattle and for the promotion of good strong genetics within the breed. Back in 2013 John made real headway into the export of Semen and exported as far a field as Romania. Click on the link to read the full story of how this happened.

Woodhouse Prince
Woodhouse Prince
Breed Champion & Reserve Interbreed Champion RWAS 2002. Male Champion & Reserve Overall Champion YAS 2002. Reserve Male Champion RHAS 2002. Reserve Supreme Champion RHAS 2004. Click here to order direct from Semen Storeor call Tel 01377 275336

Greensons Ural
Greensons Ural
Black genetics & Black coat. Good growth rate (697kg at 400 days), good temperament, exceptional Beef Value. Significant export to Romania Summer 2013.
Other Info.
Black Genetics. Semen now available worldwide.
Click here to order direct from Semen Store or call our office on Tel 01377 275336

Millington Vascular
Millington Vascular
Muscular and very quiet. Achieved top scores in all Igenity DNA marker categories: Fat 1, Red Meat 10, Ribeye 10, Carcase Weight 10, Tenderness 9. Click here to order direct from Semen Store or call our office on Tel 01377 275336

Millington Velox
Millington Velox
Full brother to Nectar, Beef Champion 2002 French National Show. Bred by noted Champerval Herd. Click here to order direct from Semen Storeor call our office on Tel 01377 275336